Termat & Kushtet


Albanian VAT & local taxes; Albanian regular annual road taxes; annual Check; vehicle property tax; permission for circulation abroad for the Vehicle; obligatory Third Party Liability vehicle insurance (TPL), Vehicle insurance (CDW & TP:  Collision Damage Waiver & Theft Protection) with an excess of between 300 Euro and 2000 Euros; Unlimited Kilometers inland for under 30 days rentals, Airport Surcharge/Fees, Snow chains – ARE INCLUDED in the rental FEE.

Fees for toll roads, bridges, tunnels, inland/abroad; International Motor Insurance – Green Card (covers the Lessee’s liability for damages to other vehicles in the event of collision abroad); Personal Accident Insurance (PAI) for inland/ /abroad; taxes by states (other than Albania); ferry fees; border/customs fees; parking charges/fines; speeding fines; fines on the driver/on the Vehicle inland or abroad during the rental period; – ARE NOT INCLUDED in the rental FEE.


Minimum 20 to maximum 70 years of age allowed. The principal driver & any additional drivers will need to provide a full driving licence in their name. An international driving licence/permit does not replace the requirement for a regular driving licence. If using an international driving licence/permit, a full driving licence in the principal driver’s name will still be mandatory in order to rent the vehicle. The Handover and Return of Vehicle is done by a Check Report signed by both entitled parties, attached to the Rental Agreement.


When collecting the vehicle the Lessee will be required to leave a deposit according to the vehicle category. The following payment forms are accepted at the start of the rental to cover the deposit: Bank Transfer or by Credit Card: Mastercard, Visa (Not pre-paid), American Express. Credit Cards must be in the Principal Lessee’s name or accopaniant. The Warranty Deposit is used to cover any extra dues charged to the Lessee caused by infringements of the Terms & Conditions and for cases of insurance exceptions list. Otherwise is returned at the end.


CANCELLATION OF FULLY PREPAID RESERVATIONS: Reservations can be cancelled online free of charge up to 48 hours before the start of the rental. Reservations cancelled within 48 hours of the start of the rental will be charged a fee equal to a 3 day rental. There will be no refund or additional charge for reservations less than 3 days in duration. Where the vehicle cannot be picked up due to insufficient documentation or failure to provide a valid credit card this will be treated as a cancellation made within 48 hours provided we are advised at the pick-up time.

CANCELLATION OF DEPOSIT RESERVATIONS: Cancellations made more than 48 hours before the start of the rental will be charged a fee equal to the deposit amount. Reservations cancelled within 48 hours of the start of the rental will be charged a fee equal to a 3 day rental or the deposit amount whichever is the greater. There will be no refund or additional charge for reservations less than 3 days in duration. Where the vehicle cannot be picked up due to insufficient documentation or failure to provide a valid credit card and we are advised of this at the time of pick-up – this will be treated as a cancellation made within 48 hours.
AMENDMENTS: Reservations can be amended free of charge before the start of the rental. There are no refunds for any unused days or hours if the vehicle is returned early on any rental.
NO SHOWS: A 100% cancellation fee will be charged if the Lessor is not notified of cancellation prior to the start of the rental. This includes where the vehicle cannot be picked up due to insufficient documentation; failure to provide sufficient funds to cover the deposit amount; and/or failure to collect the car at the specified time/date.


The TPL covers 100% if the vehicle is damaged from an identified third party (must be certified by Police Report!)
If no third party liable is identified the CDW&TP insurance is applied (with an excess of between 300€ and 2000€) under proper evaluation on the nature of the damages and the cause, except for all the cases listed in the Vehicle Insurance Exclusions List. For all inquiries regarding Vehicle Insurances the Lessor is the only in charge to respond. At the Lessor’s counter, the Lessee may decide to buy additional cover to reduce or remove the CDW&TP excess, or to cover what CDW&TP doesn’t, such as the points described in the Vehicle Insurance Exclusions List. If the Deposit of Warranty cannot cover the whole extra dues charged to the Lessee, the Lessor must be reimbursed by all means for the rest. For each month of delay in paying the dues, the Lessee is charged with extra 10% of the unpaid due value. The Lessor reserves the right to hold active and use the Lessee’s Credit Card information, up to 12 (twelve) months after the end of the rental period, in relation to this Rental Agreement.


All the interior of the cabin if no proof (Police Report) of external covered case as a cause for damages in interior!
All the cases of fire (vehicle burned in part or fully) when the cause is from cigarette, Lessee’s careless acts! 
All the cases of any damages caused from a drunk driver on the steering wheel if so certified by Police Report!
All the cases of any damages caused from a driver under illegal substances effect if so certified by Police Report!
All the cases of any damages caused from an unauthorized driver or driver with expired authorization!
All the cases of any damages caused by willing of the Lessee – example: the vehicle is thrown down on a deep abyss and there is no sign to proof that the driver was inside the vehicle; crashes in downhill due to no park brake use!
All the cases of theft/loss of the vehicle by high-jacking or if the Lessee does not supply the original vehicle key!
All the cases of underneath damages caused by careless/irresponsible/wrong use by the Lessee!
All the cases of any damages caused by floods in public/private parking lots not related to a natural disaster!
All the cases of lost/missing of parts/equipments or damages (wheels, wheel covers, tires, mirrors, spoilers, wipers, number plate, antenna, spare wheel kit, jack-compressor) where there is no proof of an accident by Police Report!
All the cases of damages on the vehicle from malicious acts, strikes, coup d’état, wars, invasions, revolts, crowd violence, turmoil, terroristic acts, atomic explosions, radiations, intentional sabotage acts, chemical attacks, ambush attacks, attempted assassination!  
All the cases of damages caused by a tire explosion/puncture/failure when this is declared/stated by Police Report!
All carrier/tow truck expenses if the case is related to wrong/irregular use of vehicle or faults from the Lessee!
All the cases of any damages caused from improper driving, improper use of the vehicle on inappropriate roads, vehicle flotation passing rivers or lakes or flooded tunnels in conditions not complying with vehicle’s specifications!
All/Any expenses (accommodation, alternative transportation, etc) occurring in relation to the vehicle covered!
All/Any medical expenses or any cost for fatalities of the driver or passengers relative to the vehicle covered!
All cases of accidents where the Third Party collision is hidden or Lessee applies for CDW instead of a TPL procedure – even if CDW coverage is granted at first, the Lessee will be held responsible to return the amount granted!
All cases of loss/theft of precious personal goods inside the vehicle, or any interior part/equipment, or navi/radio/ /CD-changer/documents, subject to a theft by breaking windows or by entering an open (unlocked) vehicle!
All cases of damages/losses on a vehicle during seize/confiscated period by Law Authorities because of Lessee’s acts!
All cases of interior parts/windshield/windows broken/damaged from objects/passengers improperly/unsafely placed on-board (objects or driver/passengers travelling with no seat belt or babies with no baby-seats)!
The Lessee agrees that regarding accidents or collisions with third party vehicles/objects/persons the Lessee is bind to declare the event, to call the Police and not to escape from the spot of the event considering that CDW/TP would cover this too! The Lessee should not take over the fault saving other parties involved (as this will worsen his insurance credit), neither should be part of litigations or fighting on the road – The Lessee is bind to CALL THE POLICE and like in all cases calling also ALBARENT!   (Inland POLICE: CALL 126 or 129 or contact nearest Police Station)


The Lessor delivers at no delivery charge a substitute Vehicle free of charge in the case of an own vehicle’s defect;
The Lessor delivers at no delivery charge a substitute Vehicle only after the presentation of the Police Report (including vehicle’s documents) on the accident under these terms: free of charge substitute vehicle for all cases where CDW&TP/TPL coverage applies; extra charge second vehicle for all cases where CDW&TP/TPL coverage does not apply (if the Lessee needs a second vehicle) – the rental fee of the damaged vehicle continues up to its rental term, after repair the vehicle is redelivered if enter the rental term; any substitute/second vehicle is subject of all provisions of this contract including a new Warranty Deposit for the substitute/second vehicle; The Lessor covers at his expense repairs of damages/failures that are not caused from misuse of the Lessee;


The vehicle should be returned with the same amount of fuel it was picked up with. Babyseat (only by request) extra daily fee: 3 Euro, Portable navigator extra daily fee: 10 Euro, Mobile phone with a rechargeable SIM card extra daily fee: 5 Euro, Top roof extra luggage carriers extra daily fee: 10 EURO, additional driver is free of charge.


Respond to the Lessor for the arrangement of the regular or extra inspections, interventions and services;
Use the Vehicle responsibly; bear responsibility for all passengers on-board; not sublease the Vehicle and not trade it; not tow other vehicles or items; not allow other unauthorized persons to use/drive this Vehicle; not use the Vehicle exceeding its total limit of carrying weight; not transport illegal materials; not transport improper materials on-board; not place passengers or materials improperly on-board; not use the Vehicle in dangerous conditions on floods or ice; not infringe Albanian road circulation laws and codes; not eat or drink on-board, not circulate without functional reserve wheel; not circulate without anti-snow wheel chains in cases/roads when this is obligatory; not drive off-road; not drive in wet clothes, not eat/sleep overnight inside the Vehicle cabin;

Notify the Police in case of accident, theft, damages and provide to the Lessor an official copy of the Police Report or Official Decision of the Administrative Court (in cases abroad when such procedure is normative); 

Notify the Lessor for any defects noticed in the Vehicle leased from the Lessor, at the spot or at once, otherwise delaying in noticing or driving the Vehicle with yellow or red signals in the instrument cluster or with visible vibrations, noises, anomalies may cause for greater damages and for all repairs to be charged to the Lessee;

Be held responsible and pay all dues for damages to the Vehicle caused from bad quality/improper fuel;

Be held responsible and pay all dues for all damages from careless/irresponsible/wrong using the Vehicle, such as damages on the clutch/clutch disc (burned clutch), on the engine Volant/tires/rims-wheels/claxon;

Pay all costs for: wheel balance and wheel convergence; tire/wheel repair (if reparable); tire/wheel replacement (tire: same size, wheel: same size and brand) in all cases of damages (if not accident certified by Police Report);

Be held responsible and pay all dues for all damages or loss of Vehicle keys (according to costs of official supplier);

Pay all costs for the cabin regeneration – special anti-smoking wash (50 Euro), if Smoker, at return;

Be held responsible and pay all dues for any lost or damages of interior parts, interior accessories, spare wheel tools/kit, spare wheel, vehicle documents, vehicle number plates, emergency kit, burning or holes on the seats;

Accept that inland/abroad the Lessee shall cover by his means all costs arising/caused for waiting a substitute/second vehicle or road assistance by the Lessor; the delivery of the substitute/second vehicle or of any road assistance by ALBARENT will require the estimated drive time due related to the distance from Tirana to the spot of vehicle breakdown in normal drive mode; the Lessee bears responsibility for arranging special needs of ill/latent/elderly passengers when travelling in case of vehicle breakdown;
Not wash the exterior body paint/parts with brush/improper tools; not use oils/improper solvents in interiors.

Pay all liabilities derived from fines, delay interest and their penalties, charged to the vehicles in the Lessee’ use;
Not delay the return of the vehicle or self-prolong the lease without notification and confirmation from the Lessor;

Pay all dues, charges, liabilities for all what is not covered by the Vehicle’s insurances;

Pay the rental FEE even in case of Lessee’s driver licence retreat as no rental freeze or rental grace periods are granted. ALBARENT offers at negotiable fees drivers in case the Lessee seeks extra driver temporarily.

Not perform interventions/alterations/replacements/repairs of any kind in the vehicle, subject of this contract.

Accept that the data of the vehicle’s Black Box/GPS are considered proofs in cases of accidents/fire/theft.


Terms & Conditions are subject to adjustments, improvements, and can be designed to suit the nature of the agreement between ALBARENT and global booking systems. In general there is a more heavy and agravated version of Tems & Conditions for customers not booking online, becouse of high risk and precendents in the regional market regarding theft, clients dissapearing, heavy damages, fines, etc. ALBARENT will do its best to ease the T&C for all customers booking via global online systems and global platforms.